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Saturday 18 May 2013

The Gnawing Pet Worm ~

Have you heard MIKA’s song ‘Blame it on the girls’?(click on it and listen to the start)

We've read ample books and heard the wise ones rant on and on about ‘perspective’ and how to live for self and not just to fit in! In case you are a mojito , allow me to introduce you to lemons.

For the longest time i have been struggling with image issues. Tone down the bohemian, up the formal corporate, too bright, too naked, too covered and the biggest of them all...drum roll please......TOO FAT.
I own a Bohemian fusion clothes store called MEMORE and i see this at play in all shapes and sizes of women. Under all the social stigma’s of fat, jigly arms, big butt, too thin (yes! More girls complain of this that you would believe) there exists a worse kind of gnawing worm ...the one that makes you want to fit in this uber ‘cool’ world and if your funky wardrobe and forced arrogance doesn't make the cut...it slowly pressurizes you into rejection of self. Now, how is one supposed to live in a body that one is disrespecting constantly? So, one begins to fake it more and more to fit in....therefore rejecting it further more and this vicious cycle is so comfortably at play that we don’t even realize the constant stress our body is under.

All of us have our personalized playlist of things we judge ourselves on. DONT target them...they aren't the problem...our conditioning of doing things in a certain specific way is the target. Social Acceptance is one word to describe everything we do. Of course, abandoning all caution to wind and running around naked is not what I am getting at :D There are socially responsible things we adhere to which makes us human (of the current time/space continuum) but one has to draw the line somewhere to remain human and not a puppet to the current era.

I have recently started shedding these self/conditioning created walls as i see them. They say ‘Simplify Simplify Simplify’ ~yeah Mr.They... you forgot to mention how difficult this process to simplify is.

The biggest acceptance is of self, the biggest love is of self and it’s impossible to achieve without being generous to self ~ respecting self.

So the next time you pull yourself down for this projection of image....STOP and be generous to self and tell yourself ‘You are not here ,like this, forever~ so stop ordering the same mojito again & again and try a kamikaze instead.
While we are at it: Definitely try this at home with friends.

Fill a shaker with ice. Add ingredients and shake. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with a lime wedge.

With lots of love in my heart, a cocktail in my hand and ever decreasing judgement (specially to self)

Peace Out till next bout